Who we are | Siapakah kami

Modero is a community-based group that was founded in 2011 by the talented Indonesian dance artist, Sinta Penyami Storms. Since its inception, Modero has been dedicated to preserving the rich and vibrant Indonesian culture in all its forms.

Modero adalah grup komunitas yang didirikan di tahun 2011 oleh seniman tari tradisional, Sinta Penyami Storms. Sejak didirikan, Modero berdedikasi untuk melestarikan keindahan budaya Indonesia dalam berbagai bentuk.

Upcoming Performances

New York Travel Show

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center

January 27th – 28th

10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Pesta Nusantara

Trinity Memorial Church, Philadelphia

February 26th

6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

A Taste of Indonesia

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

March 10th

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Shiraz Festival

Asian Arts Initiative

March 30th

Time TBD